Friday 26 November 2010

REVIEW: Choosing most appropriate images

This is the image that we used for the film review. This is the very last shot of the film and, in our opinion, the most interesting due to it's ambiguity. It will capture the readers interest and make them wonder what has happened for them to look like this.

I also find the framing of the picture quite interesting. We purposly made sure that they were on either side of the frame to form some sort of symmetry. We wanted them to appear as equals towards the end to indicate that what happened between them was a question that was mutual.

Having the symmetry also made the page design for the review appear tidier and gave it that sophisticated review we were aiming for also. We used Little White Lies as our magazine to write a review for so it was important to design a page with equal sophistication and simplicity.

Here is an example of a review from Little White Lies.

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